Friday, May 15, 2009

Gokey Oust in American Idol

The vote turn out in the last episode of American Idol sucks!

Danny Gokey deserves to get into final round. In my opinion Adam Lambert is overrated and Kris Allen is lukewarm performer, I mean all 3 of them deserves to be in the final 3 however, it's disappointing to see Danny go. He hasn't been a bottom performer for the past 37 episodes, what the hell!! then all of sudden, voila! eliminated?! for goodness sake! This is the first American Idol season that I have watched from episode one and I didn't like the result. I know I am over reacting, this is my site anyway, I'm just sharing. Chillax!


  1. I feel that he should take Adam's place. Well, maybe because I am partial to emo's. Hahaha! I am happy nonetheless because Kris is moving to the finals.

    This time, though, I am tagging you...

  2. I am so disappointed as well! I'd rather see Kris out. :)
